Humanitarian Programs

Dedicated to preserving the shared FBI values and ideals of the FBI Family, the Former Agents of the FBI aids those in need through our Humanitarian Programs. We have contributed millions and helped thousands of FBI families and individuals by bringing humanitarian aid and hope where it is needed most. Your generous contributions allow us to respond quickly with integrity and compassion letting those in our FBI family know that Society members care and will be there when help is needed. Society members may find the Foundation's Personal Assistance Application Form in the Members Only section under Forms.

Disaster Relief

When natural disaster and catastrophic events occur, the Foundation stands ready to answer the call. The Disaster Relief Program assists Society members and their families, as well as FBI personnel, who suffer financial hardship as the result of these disasters. While we can't help recover what has been lost, we are able to meet the urgent needs following such an event and instill hope for the future and recovery. The care and kindness that goes out from the Foundation is always remembered.


The Foundation has helped many struggling households and individuals get back on their feet from a crisis they never expected. Our financial assistance takes many forms, whether it's paying medical bills resulting from a critical illness, housing such as rent or a mortgage payment to prevent homelessness, or other household expenses, the Foundation has provided financial assistance. Because many of our cases are confidential, we do not release the names of recipients, unless they give us permission.